Don't know about the rest of you folks but we are in June and in the middle of a Heat wave....This just seems much too early, and to think next weekend I will be at the Festival at the Eno which is always hot!!!! and we might be in week two of this Heat wave unless there is a reprieve...Oh well we can always hope....
Right now at Saladelia checking emails and getting ready to find some household items before heading back to the homefront......
Last night I went and checked out the music at Brighleaf...a group called Crossover Blues Band was living up to its name and playing a mixture of music ranging from Blues to Rock to Funk........
This was supposed to be the weekend I was supposed to be at Miami for the American Black Film Festival but once again funds got in the way...However, I will get a report on the excitement there, as I have several friends checking out the activities..........
Kendrick Lamar's Televised Black Revolution
3 weeks ago